I’m back – Chinese yoghurt experience
After a two year break, I’m back to share some yoghurt
goodness with you all. Where have I been the last few years? Well…I’ve moved
house, started a new job, attempted to form a gym routine, finished a Graduate
Diploma in Communications (Public Relations) and met (warning…cliché moment)
the love of my life.
While I haven’t blogged for the last few years, my passion
for yoghurt, food and travel hasn’t wavered. I’ve still experimented with food
(both failed and succeeded), eaten a lot of yoghurt and travelled.
To ease back into it, I thought it fitting that I share a...
“I can’t believe I found yoghurt here” story. In September 2014 my partner,
let’s call him Mr Bball (he likes basketball – go 36ers!), and I went to China
for a two week holiday. If you haven’t been to China, I recommend it. Amazing
food, beautiful sites, fascinating people and an amazing history.
I knew that I would find a lot of familiar foods in China –
dumplings, noodles, spicy soups, stir fry’s and even beer (ask for cold beer
otherwise it will be warm!). What I didn’t expect to find was yoghurt.
Refrigeration or no refrigeration, I had to try it. I popped
the lid with a straw, took a slurp (no spoon required) and was surprised at how
familiar the taste was. While at room temperature, it still had that natural
sourness, sweetness and creaminess – it was just thinner than your traditional
It was at this moment that I knew I could find yoghurt
anywhere and I wanted to re-start this blog. The same deal applies, challenge
me to combine yoghurt with an edible item and I will share the results. I will
also share some yoghurt recipes with you and hope to hear your feedback if you
give them a try. Spoiler alert…my next blog will feature a recipe with garlicky
yoghurt goodness.

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